Your Story Matters

The best way to tell the Huntsman story is with testimonials from individuals like you. Help us share the impact that the Huntsman experience has on our incredible students!

Please note that uploading a video testimonial is easiest on a cell phone. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Information gathered through this survey may be used on websites, display screens throughout the business buildings, social media platforms, and/or student presentations.

Submit My Story

Recording Your Video Testimonial (optional)

Using your mobile device, record a short (approximately 1 minute) video answering one of the following prompts. Please check your lighting and background before recording your response. If possible, save your video as A#_Firstname_Lastname. Follow the instructions on the Submit My Story form above once you are ready to send us your video.

  • How did you hear about your internship?
  • What HSB Resources, if any, were helpful in obtaining your internship?
  • How was your internship beneficial to your career development?
  • What were some obstacles/challenges you faced during your internship?
  • What advice do you have for other students when it comes to internships?
  • Tell us about a faculty member that has made an impact during your college career and why.
  • Tell us about a stand-out experience you've had while at the Huntsman School and why it made such a strong impact.

Student Testimonial: Maelyn Dougher