Workplace Disability Disclosure and Accommodations

Did you know you have the legal right to disclose your disability and receive accommodations in the workplace? While disclosure is not required, it is often necessary to receive accommodations. If you choose to disclose your disability, it is illegal for employers to discriminate against individuals with disabilities in hiring, promotion, or other employment-related decisions. Deciding when to disclose a disability to a new employer is a personal decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Disclosure is a personal decision, and there are many factors to consider, such as the nature of the disability, the job requirements, and the work environment. If an individual chooses to disclose, they are not required to do so with everyone on their team. It is often best to inform only those who need to know how to provide accommodations or support, including a supervisor, human resources, or a disability services office.

When Should I Disclose?

  • You are not required to disclose a disability during the interview process unless you need an accommodation to participate. Disclosing a disability during the interview can create the potential for unconscious bias, even though it is illegal for employers to discriminate based on disability. Suppose you need accommodations to perform the essential functions of the job. In that case, it may be best to disclose your disability during the hiring process or shortly after accepting a job offer. This will allow you to discuss accommodations with your employer and ensure they are in place before you start working.
  • Suppose your disability does not impact your ability to perform the job's essential functions, and you do not require any accommodations. In that case, there is no legal requirement to disclose your disability to your employer or coworkers.
  • Suppose you develop a disability at any point in your career. In that case, you have the right to disclose your disability and request accommodations to ensure that you can perform the essential functions of your job.


Be sure to check out, the official website of the Job Accommodation Network (JAN), a free consulting service that provides information, guidance, and resources to individuals with disabilities and employers. JAN's goal is to help people with disabilities achieve their employment goals and maximize independence in the workplace.

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